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New Release: W A Project


The Witch Adoption Project (sequel to The Lonely Dragon) is now available to buy. The eagle-eyed among you will notice that a particular cover came out tops. It does however include some suggested modifications.

As I’m now using Draft 2 Digital as my main publishing platform, it means the book is available on all e-book channels as well as in paperback, wherever you may be in the world. It will also shortly be available on the Reader Subscription Services I mentioned in my 3 October post.

Since you’re on my mailing list you get a special ½ price deal on the e-book from 25 November - 4 December. Click on the image below to take you to your preferred e-book store.

Available from Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc

More Good News

I’ve welcomed yet another world traveller into my home; this time from Sweden. I had to self-isolate with him as he’d travelled via Denmark. The police turned up at my door to check we were both abiding by the Lockdown restrictions and it was of course the day I chose to enforce the stereotype that all writers stay home in their pyjamas all day. In case you’re wanting to build up a mental picture of the event; my pjs were the snowflake and reindeer set I bought last Christmas. Luckily I don’t embarrass easily. Something to do with a mother who spoke her mind and a father who was not ashamed to fling it all about on the dance floor.


My guest and I coped with the stress of self-isolation by cooking up a storm of delicious meals. Rabbit stew and pancakes featured on the menu. Thanks to my lovely French BF for the fabulous rabbit recipe.

Extra Special Thanks

To my ART for keeping me on track with the final edit of this latest release and the wonderful librarians at my local library for keeping my reading pile stocked up.




  1. I'm so glad you and your lodger are getting on. You've had the police round, eh? I've hardly seen ANY police in the last couple of weeks. I think they're too busy rounding up marauding students. I've ordered the Dragons and Witches trilogy and uploaded it. Hope you stay well - and we'll speak soon. Rog and I are taking BB3 to the vets this afternoon. He has something in his ears that is really bugging him, so we're having it checked out. Love and hugs, B xx


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