My second novel – Sharp Dark Things (desperately needing 3rd edit and hoping to be published on contains a description of my character sunbathing her eyelids in the early morning sun.
It's her moment of epiphany.
I stood there, eyes shut, head tilted to meet the day and promptly sneezed humungously. I recall this happening to me as a child. It appears I'm still afflicted.
Why does this happen? I pondered
So I Googled it.
a) the laptop is in the next room
b) it can be accessed even with one hand still wrapped around a cup of tea and
c) I think a trip to the library for this sort of diversionary tactic is a little excessive
And discovered an actual syndrome called Photic Sneeze Reflex. 18 - 35% of humans suffer from it, including me.
At this point I'm trying in vain to avoid one of my brain's daily sidetracks – segue Sun Worship. I just couldn't help but ask myself,
“What did the Aztecs and Egyptians get out of all that sun worship besides a hefty dose of vitamin D and a very becoming tan?”
Google search 2 revealed this popular Aztec pass-time has not died out. In fact it has made somewhat of a resurgence. And I don't mean all those people who rush out to the park at lunch time and strip off when a chink of sunlight makes its presence felt.
I mean Sun Gazing.
Oh boy, what a controversial subject! While one website sang the praises of the practice, urging me to do it instantly, Wiki had big DON'T GO NEAR IT ALERTS stamped all over its info.
- We need vitamin D don't we?
- And what about all that photosynthesis business I remember from Standard 9 biology?
- And what about cats? Well, they do a fair bit of sun bathing if not sun gazing.
All these questions burning a hole in my brain. There's only one way to deal with it.
BE REALISTIC – I live in the UK. Exactly how much sun am I going to see any time soon? I need to make the most of the little I get, even if it's through the double glazing of my kitchen window.
- I discovered my initial description in the novel was incorrect which has prompted the start of the much needed 3rd edit.
- I need the vitamin D, defused through double glazing or not.
And finally
- I fancy a fetching tan on my eyelids – cheaper than eye shadow.
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