Many thanks for all the messages I received from people after my last post. I truly appreciate the support extended by each and every one of you. If I haven’t responded to your email as yet, please bear with me, I will get back to you pronto. Great News There’s tons of it to pass on. Airbnb have opened up my calendar and I'm booked up until the end of October. This is a great relief to me. I’ve been loading my books on Draft 2 Digital which means they’re available for all e-readers and not just Kindle. This is long overdue so I’m very glad I finally got that squared away. I’ve also finally gone ‘wide’ for my paperbacks so can approach local independent bookshops and libraries to stock my books. I’m working on a short book as part of the Deed series. It will be exclusive to members of my mailing list. That should be done by mid October and with my subscribers once I convert it to an epub and mobi doc. I will also provide a pdf if people prefer t...
I write therefore I am